Industry Idle Wiki

Fuel Fuel is a special resource that does not need to be transported. Fuel is consumed by any production facility when it needs to transport any resource to a destination.

There are currently 3 types of resources that can be used as fuel: Petrol, Natural Gas, Battery, and Maple Syrup (Vancouver [DLC] exclusive). The default fuel resource selected is Petrol. The selected fuel resource can be changed at any time in the Logistics Department.

While a fuel resource, such as Petrol, can be transported, bought, and sold it only needs to exist in any storage structure to count as fuel. It is globally shared instantaneously by all production facilities, meaning that all production facilities are able to consume the required amount of fuel necessary to transport its resource to its destination as long as the selected fuel resource in available in any storage.

Transportation Costs

Transporting resources requires fuel. The amount of fuel consumed increases with both quantity and distance at a logarithmic rate. To simplify: to maximize fuel save it is best to have larger quantities per cycle the longer the distance. Fuel save is significantly more efficient at 1-3 units of distance by the orders of magnitudes when compared against higher than 3 units of distance.

per fuel
Quantity of resources per payload

The graph above can be explained in such that the higher the Y value, the better the fuel efficiency due to more resources being transported per unit of fuel. To achieve a higher Y value then a higher X value is required meaning more resources per transportation payload.

To summarize, 1-3 units of distance is most optimal. If longer distances are required then it is more optimal to either increase production cycles or focus upgrades on a single production facility to maximize resource transportation payloads. Increasing production cycles can potentially have short-term adverse affects to the input/output of other production facilities.

Negative Fuel

When a fuel deficit occurs with no fuel remaining in storage all production facilities will stop all output transportation. This can cascade when for example the selected fuel resource is Petrol as Oil is no longer able to be transported to a Oil Refinery to make more fuel, Petrol. This deadlock can be stopped by either temporarily switching the selected fuel resource to another resource that exists in storage or to buy more of the selected fuel resource from the Trade Center or Player Trade.
