Policy Center
The Policy Center both manages active and available Policies and acts as a special production facility that converts Culture into Policy Points.
Culture & Policy Point
A few production facilities output Culture that gets transported to the Policy Center at no fuel cost to be converted into Policy Points with no power cost. The default conversion is 100/s Culture into 10/s Policy Points.
The Policy Center can be upgraded to increase input and output capacity like any of other production facility.
The Policy Point per second cost of a policy is multiplied by the number of active policies. Therefore if 2 Policies are activated, both of their individual Policy Points cost per second would double, not their sum. The Free Policies do not affect this rule and can be turned on with no penalty.
0/s Policy Points (Free)
Adjacent Explorer [Perth]
A resource explorer produce 2x output if it's adjacent to the resource it's producing.
Construction of a building will not automatically start - it has to be started manually.
Factory Mining [Perth]
A factory can mine the deposit directly from the tile if it consumes the same deposit.
Year of The Tiger
All buildings that consume Paper will use Lantern instead and will have 2x capacity. Paper mills become Paper Academy and produce Culture instead.
Pumpkin Battery
All buildings that consume Battery use Pumpkin instead.
Pumpkin Steel
All buildings that consume Steel use Pumpkin instead.
Reindeer Aluminum
All buildings that consume Aluminum use Reindeer instead.
Reindeer Silicon
All buildings that consume Silicon use Reindeer instead.
Santa Clause is Coming
Santa factories consume Reindeer and Toy and produce Santa, Science and Culture. Santa factories have max tile modifier. Toy factories produce Reindeer in addition to Toy.
Syrup Plastic [Vancouver]
All buildings that consume Plastic use Maple Syrup instead.
10/s Policy Points
Al Circuit
Circuit foundries use Aluminum instead of Copper.
Black Glass
Glass factories use 50% more Coal and 50% less Silicon.
Coal Liquidizer
Coal power plants use extra Coal to produce Petrol.
Liquid Sugar [DLC]
Sugar refineries produce Refined Sugar with Corn instead of Sugarcane.
Cost Saver
If a building's input cost more than its output, shut down the production.
Chromium alloy plants do not use Lithium but use 2x Iron instead.
Fuel Dynamite
Dynamite factories use your current fuel instead of Oil.
Gas Liquidizer
Gas power plants use extra gas to produce Petrol.
Meta Rebranding
Social Network Inc is renamed to Meta Inc and consumes Internet, Game, Super Computer, Bitcoin and Dogecoin instead.
Plastic Fiber
Fiber factories use 50% more Plastics but 50% less Glass.
Battery Saver
Power banks charge at 50% speed but have 50% more capacity.
Mo Petrol Mo Problems
Oil Refineries produce 50% more Petrol and 50% less Plastic.
Mo Plastics Mo Problems
Oil Refineries produce 50% less Petrol and 50% more Plastic.
100% Gluten Free [DLC]
Flour mills consumes Rice instead of Wheat.
Knowledge Through Steel
Steel mills use 2x input and produce extra Science.
Hearts of Iron
Steel mills use 50% less Coal and 25% more Iron and 25% more power.
20/s Policy Points
Aluminum Smelting
Aluminum mines produce 2x Aluminum and use 2x more power.
Rechargeable Battery [DLC]
Battery fuel economy improves by 100% (ie. 50% fuel cost)
Science Literature
Book publishers produce Science instead of Culture.
Industrial Revolution
Coal mines produce 2x Coal but use 50% more power and Coal transport costs 50% more fuel.
Nature's Power [DLC]
All tile modifiers' effect x2 - both positive and negative. This policy will deactivate Earth Is Flat policy.
Nikola Tesla
Car factories use batteries instead of Petrol and only require 50% of the amount.
Political Lobbyist
Policy center has 2x Policy Points conversion capacity.
Electric Oil Transport
Oil transport doesn't cost fuel but Oil wells use 2x power.
High Pressure Gas Pump
Natural gas pumps have 2x output but use 2x power.
Slow Down To Save Up [DLC]
Transportation speed is slowed down by 25% and fuel cost is reduced by 25%
High Speed Warehouse [DLC]
Warehouses have 2x capacity and 50% faster transport speed, but use 2x power.
Heavy Iron
Iron mines produce 2x Iron but Iron transport costs 2x fuel.
Logging camps produce 2x Wood and Wood transport costs 2x fuel.
Press Conference [DLC]
The effect of market news doubles - both positive and negative.
Earth Is Flat
All tile modifiers are zero. This policy will deactivate Nature's Power and Tile Modifier Plus policies.
Supercharge Oil Well
Oil wells produce 2x Oil and use 2x power.
Production Diversification [Vancouver]
Each different type of building gives 1% extra capacity to all buildings.
Resource Booster Square
Resource boosters provide 25% more boost but their Science input and power usage also increase by 25%
Resource Explorer 2.0
Resource explorers produce 2x output but use 2x power. Resource explorers can be boosted by resource boosters if Supply Chain Booster policy is active and the booster has an adjacent mine of the same output.
Shopping Spree [DLC]
If a resource's output capacity falls short, buy the shortage amount from Trade Center automatically. (If the resource has auto sell on, it will be ignored)
Silicon Valley
Silicon mines produce 2x Silicon but use 50% more power and Silicon transport costs 50% more fuel.
The Sun Never Sets [DLC]
Solar panels work 100% of the time but produce 60% less power.
Steel Furnace Modernization
Steel mills and stainless Steel plants have 2x capacity but uses 2x power.
Pearl of the Orient [HongKong]
Free Kung-fu and Tai-chi transportation. Movie studios have 2x capacity but use 50% more power.
Warehouse Permit Act [DLC]
Every two warehouses provide one free building permit.
Wholesale Partners
Wholesale center orders only contain resources that are from the top-half of your most-advanced researched products. (which has to satisfy the minimum resources requirement)
The Wind Rises [DLC]
Wind turbines work 100% of the time but produce 30% less power.
40/s Policy Points
Adjacent Bonus Square
Adjacent bonus is 50% more effective, but tile modifiers scale from -15% to +15%
International Export Trade [HongKong]
Transportation to the Trade Center does not cost fuel but transportation from the Trade Center cost 50% more fuel.
The Renaissance
Research Lab has 2x capacity but takes Culture as the extra input.
Tile Modifier Plus
Tile modifiers only affect output instead of both input and output but are only 50% effective. This policy will deactivate Earth Is Flat policy.
80/s Policy Points
Adjacent Bonus Plus
Adjacent bonus does not require more input but uses more power and is only 50% as effective.
Supply Chain Booster
Resource boosters use 2x power and Science, but for each working mine a resource booster is boosting, it also provides capacity boost to adjacent factories that consume the mine's output. (the factory should only consume deposits)