Industry Idle Wiki

A power facility is any structure that generates power, measured in Watts (W). There are 2 types of power facilities: no input and resource input.

No input power facilities are the Wind Turbine and Solar Panel structures. Although these power facilities require no resource input to operate, they turn on and off in cycles.

Resource input power facilities are Gas Power Plant, Coal Power Plant, Petrol Power Plant, and Nuclear Power Plant. These facilities always run as long as the input resource requirement is met.


Power Power is a special resource that is required for all production facilities to operate. It requires no transport cost or time. The power grid receives and provides global power instantly without transportation.

Power Bank

Power Bank

The Power Bank stores power grid surplus at 10%/s of its capacity (starting at 10W/s of a 100W capacity). For Power Banks to store power from the global power grid it must be placed adjacent to an actively producing power facility.

If removing a power facility leaves a Power Bank with no adjacent power facilities, then all stored power in that Power Bank will be immediately discharged.

Power Banks will only charge if there is surplus power in the global power grid greater than the Power Bank's input rate. For example, a Power Bank with a 100W/s input requires a surplus of at least 100W to charge.

If the power consumption exceeds the power production, the power grid draws power from each Power Bank in 10% quantities. Meaning if there is a Power Bank with a 1000W capacity and power grid consumption exceeds production by 10W then 100W will be pulled from the Power Bank, deleting 90W.

Wind Turbine

Wind Turbine

The Wind Turbine generates 50W power for 8 out of every 10 seconds, resulting in an uptime of 80% averaged at 40W.

The cycle of Wind Turbines is determined by the grid space it occupies, not the timing of when built or other factors. If a Wind Turbine is removed and rebuilt on the same space, it will be on the same cycle it was previously. Each grid space cycle is different, resulting in some Wind Turbines running while others are not running. This makes for a more steady power generation across a 10 cycle loop than Solar, but with less predictable fluctuations.

Solar Panel

Solar Panel

The Solar Panel generates 100W power for 5 out of every 10 seconds, resulting in an uptime of 50% averaged at 50W.

All placed Solar Panels have synced cycles to represent a day/night cycle, resulting in harsh fluctuations of the power grid.

Gas Power Plant

Gas Power Plant

The Gas Power Plant generates 150W by exchanging 10x Natural Gas received from a Natural Gas Pump or Coal Gassification Plant [DLC].

Coal Power Plant

Coal Power Plant

The Coal Power Plant generates 150W by exchanging 10x Coal received from a Coal Mine.

Petrol Power Plant

Petrol Power Plant

The Petrol Power Plant generates 200W by exchanging 10x Petrol received from a Oil Refinery.

Nuclear Power Plant

Nuclear Power Plant

The Nuclear Power Plant generates 2000W by exchanging 10x Enriched Uranium received from a Uranium Enrichment Plant.
