Statistics Bureau
The Statistics Bureau shows information regarding production, deficits, storage, and run out time for all resources that have been acquired in that city.
Power Grid

Power Grid Graph
The Power Grid displays the following information about Power:
- Power Surplus is how much excess power is being generated every tick. This value is displayed in the line graph with a history of the last minute. The Y axis of the graph is truncated to better display a subtle shift over a long period of time.
- Power Supply is the total amount of power being generated by all Power Facilities.
- Power Bank is the total amount of power stored in Power Banks.
Resource Table
The Resource Table lists a breakdown of all resources available, either by default or have been unlocked after being researched. The information provided in the Resource Table excludes production changes from the Market News. In addition, it includes special resources such as fuel, Culture & Policy Point, and Science & Research Point.
Utilizing the resource table is vital to solving deficits and maximizing through-put, efficiency, and economy.
The table can be sorted by 4 categories:
- Run Out - Amount of time until the resource is depleted from all storage
- Deficit - Total delta quantity being produced every tick
- Storage - Amount stored in all storage structures
- Name - Alphabetically by language selected
The run out category highlights which resources that need to be addressed the quickest or else necessary input to production facilities may not be satisfied after storage is empty.
The deficit category shows which production facilities need to be created or upgraded to meet the input demands of other facilities. Creating a new or upgrading the highest tier cascades down to its lower input resources which would be revealed by the table to fix the new deficits created.
The toggle for Show Theoretical Input/Output Capacity instead displays what all production facilities' sum inputs would require if they were active and had 100% input. Without this activated, facilities that are shut down or do not have their input requirement mets would either not consistently & properly display on the table or would fluctuate per tick.
The Out-In column can highlight structures that use the selected resource. Clicking on the left blue text (525.6 above) highlights all production facilities that are outputing this resource and clicking the right blue text (470 above) highlights all facilities that use this resource as an input.