Swiss Shop
The Swiss Shop displays accumulated Swiss money and available Swiss upgrades.
Swiss Bank
Swiss Money is the currency that is preserved between city resets, versus regular cash
used to purchase resources and structures which is reset to $5 million when starting a new city.
The Swiss money for a city is determined by the Wallstreet summary in the Central Bank.
Swiss Upgrades
Swiss upgrades are permanent upgrades that are preserved between city resets. Each upgrade cost increases at a Cost Progression (check table) exponential rate. The cost equation used is:
(BaseCost) * CostProgression^(CurrentUpgradeLvL)
The current upgrade level is, for all non % and time upgrades, the upgrade value minus 1 (this is due to the starting value being 1)
Max Builders
Max Builders is the number of structures that can be constructed concurrently.
Builder Move Speed
Builder Move Speed increases the speed that builders move to construct buildings.
Offline Earning Time
Offline Earning Time is the amount of time, in minutes, that the game will accumulate cash based off the Offline Earning displayed in the Central Bank. Offline Earning Multiplier is the multiplier of Offline Earning. Production Multiplier is the input, output, and power usage multiplier for all structures, including Power Facilities and Production Facilities.
Production Multiplier
Production Multiplier multiplies both the capacity (input & output) and power usage of all production facilities, reducing the amount of raw resource tiles and structures necessary to achieve higher tier resources.
Auto Sell Capacity Multiplier
Auto Sell Capacity Multiplier is multiplied to the Trade Center's Auto Sell Capacity. After upgrading once, the starting Auto Sell Capacity would double to 20/s and increase in increments of 2/s at the same price as without the upgrade.
Building Upgrade Cost Divider
Building Upgrade Cost Divider divides the cost of a building's upgrade cost.
Building Permit Cost Divider
Building Permit Cost Divider is found at the end of the Build Permit formula, where the calculated permit cost is lastly divided by this multiplier.
Fuel Cost Discount
Fuel Cost Discount increases fuel economy by reducing the amount of fuel required to transport resources.
Extra Adjacent Bonus
Extra Adjacent Bonus is added onto the default +10% adjacent bonus when building production facilities adjacent to the same type of facility.
Sell/Downgrade Refund
Sell/Downgrade Refund determines the percent of cash and resources refunded when selling or downgrading structures.
Start In A New City
Cash In by clicking on the Start In A New City results in adding the accumulated Swiss money in the current city to be permanently added to the Swiss Bank. Start In A New City to Cash In only becomes available after the city has reached a Market Cap of $1 Billion.
Clicking on the Start In A New City button opens a global map with markers for each city available in Industry Idle. Clicking on GO BACK harmlessly returns to the currently playing city. Each city markers contains information about the map, resources, and City Bonus uniquely assigned to each city which has been compiled on the Cities Wiki page.
After selecting a city marker and clicking "Start in [City]" button a confirmation prompt will appear. After clicking Cash In all structures and cash earned will be deleted from the current city, the Cash In Swiss money will be added to the Swiss Bank, the new map will load with the starting Special Buildings, and a starting balance of $5 million cash & 10,000 fuel.
- For new players, the first Swiss Upgrade is typically Production Multiplier at the cost of 100 Swiss. To obtain the first 100 Swiss can be either done in one large run (accumulating 1T Market Cap) or broken down into smaller runs, for example 3 runs at ~33 Swiss each.
- The highest legit Swiss money owned by a player was Ultima at 25.1M Swiss with the help of early-beta exploits.